HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

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Understanding the National Flood Insurance Program: A Guide for Public and Affordable Housing Providers

Flooding is one of the most common and costly natural disasters in the United States, posing significant property risks, especially in public and affordable housing. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is a vital resource for housing providers to protect their assets and ensure the safety and security of their residents.

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Navigating Reinvestment and Repositioning: A Guide for Public Housing Providers

Public housing authorities (PHAs) face the continual challenge of maintaining and improving their properties while navigating the complexities of federal regulations and funding. Alongside these challenges, insurance considerations play a crucial role in repositioning efforts, ensuring that properties are adequately protected during and after transitions.

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Claims Corner: Defending Against Wrongful Termination Claims in Housing Authorities

Every employer aims to have a dedicated, skilled staff capable of performing their assigned tasks effectively while fostering long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with the organization. Unfortunately, this ideal isn't always achieved. Employees may not meet expectations, or their work ethic and interests may change over time. In such cases, an amicable departure is preferable. However, some employees who are terminated may file wrongful termination claims.

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Claims Corner: Navigating Legal Risks in Public Housing Security

Some housing agencies employ security personnel directly or through third-party services to ensure resident safety. However, these personnel can face complex and tragic situations requiring difficult decisions, as highlighted in a recent wrongful death lawsuit in Ohio in which a police officer employed by a public housing authority (PHA) fatally shot a man, claiming self-defense.

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Children playing on playground

Exploring Playground Safety: Facts, Figures, and Strategies

Playgrounds are essential spaces for children’s development and fun, providing a healthy outlet for their energy while fostering emotional, social, and cognitive skills. Outdoor playgrounds offer a crucial balance to indoor activities, promoting physical activity and exploration.
However, without a robust playground safety program encompassing regular inspection and maintenance, these spaces can pose significant risks to children. Implementing strict safety measures is paramount to ensuring that playgrounds remain safe environments for learning and play.
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Navigating Commercial Insurance: A Guide for Public and Affordable Housing Agencies

Navigating the complex commercial insurance landscape can sometimes feel like deciphering hieroglyphics in a funhouse maze—confusing, daunting, and occasionally filled with unexpected twists and turns. However, for public and affordable housing providers, mastering the basics of insurance is akin to wielding a powerful shield against the whims of fate, ensuring the protection of vital assets and the continuity of essential services.

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Wrap-Up Insurance Unveiled: Understanding OCIPs and CCIPs for Housing Development Projects

Housing organizations embarking on significant construction endeavors may encounter unfamiliar insurance products designed to mitigate construction-related risks. One such product is wrap-up insurance, a specialized form of construction liability coverage offered in two primary variations—owner-controlled insurance programs (OCIPs) and contractor-controlled insurance programs (CCIPs).

In this article, we offer an insightful overview of wrap-up insurance and delineate the crucial distinctions between OCIPs and CCIPs.

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