HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

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Insurance (5)

Denver Housing Authority Ransomware Scare Title Screen

Denver Housing Authority's Ransomware Scare: The Anatomy of a Cyberattack

The staff at Denver Housing Authority (DHA) weren't blind to the possibility of a cyberattack.

In fact, staff had taken steps in 2021 to address the organization's cybersecurity vulnerabilities, said Jim DiPaolo, DHA's deputy CFO. But in September 2021, disaster struck—DHA was completely locked out of the files and systems it relies on due to a ransomware attack. 

"We had a fairly good business continuity plan," DiPaolo said during a June 2022 interview with HAI Group. "We were backing up our systems, and felt that we had a fairly strong [cybersecurity] program that wasn't going to be open to this type of threat."

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Woman explaining something to man at desk

Making Property Improvements? Here's How Your HAI Group Account Executive Can Help

If you’re a policyholder at HAI Group, we want you to know that we have your back. We don’t disappear once your policy is issued. On the contrary, our goal as your insurance carrier is to establish a relationship with you and communicate regularly to ensure your organization is protected. 

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Sidewalk construction

Case Study: The Importance of Indemnification (Hold Harmless) Clauses in Construction Contracts

A resident trips and falls on your sidewalk, which is in the process of being replaced. He injures his back and shoulder, racking up nearly $100,000 in medical bills. The resident then files a lawsuit, alleging the construction site was not properly marked or roped off. Who’s liable for the damages, you or your contractor?

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Contractor shaking hands with man

Navigating Contractor Partnerships: Strategies for Identifying and Minimizing Project Risks

Affordable housing organizations planning significant redevelopment or renovation projects must partner with contractors to accomplish the task. So, how do you select qualified contractors, monitor their work, and ensure your organization, as the project owner, doesn't expose itself to unnecessary risks?

This article covers the basics of working with contractors, providing methods to help transfer, avoid, and reduce the risks involved in construction projects. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to project management, these essential guidelines will empower you to navigate the intricate landscape of working with contractors effectively.

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To Mow, or Not To Mow: Should Residents Be Involved in Property Maintenance?

Most housing organizations handle lawn maintenance and snow removal directly or through an insured third-party contractor, but it's not uncommon for residents of scattered sites to take on the responsibility. This can take the burden off busy maintenance teams and help instill a sense of pride in residents, but is it worth the risk?

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Manage Your Housing Organization's Online Reputation [90-Day Action Plan]

Online reputation management is more crucial than ever in maintaining a successful multifamily operation. In terms of attracting potential residents, building a positive online reputation can be a gamechanger, because a vast majority of consumers search online to find local businesses and services.

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