HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

Children playing on playground

Exploring Playground Safety: Facts, Figures, and Strategies

Playgrounds are essential spaces for children’s development and fun, providing a healthy outlet for their energy while fostering emotional, social, and cognitive skills. Outdoor playgrounds offer a crucial balance to indoor activities, promoting physical activity and exploration.
However, without a robust playground safety program encompassing regular inspection and maintenance, these spaces can pose significant risks to children. Implementing strict safety measures is paramount to ensuring that playgrounds remain safe environments for learning and play.
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Championing Safety: Marilee Arsenault's Leadership Shines at North Providence Housing Authority

Since taking on the role of executive director at North Providence Housing Authority in 2021, Marilee Arsenault has prioritized safety and security within the organization. She began her journey with the agency in December 2018 as a public housing coordinator before moving to the role of executive assistant. Two years after becoming executive director, Arsenault was named HAI Group’s 2023 Risk Champion of the Year.

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Building Inclusive Communities: Strategies for PHAs to Advance Equity

Public housing authorities (PHAs) have a legal obligation to take meaningful steps to address historic patterns of segregation, promote housing choice, eliminate disparities in housing access, and build inclusive communities. By developing policies, programs, and practices that promote equity, defined as “fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all,” PHAs can promote social justice, rectify historic disparities caused by discriminatory housing policies, build inclusive communities, and fulfill their obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.

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Navigating Elevator Safety: Compliance and Requirements in Residential Buildings

Elevators are a common feature in multistory public and affordable housing properties, offering convenience and accessibility to residents. From transporting groceries to aiding those with mobility restrictions, elevators have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. 

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