HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

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Mike Torelli | Senior Marketing Specialist | HAI Group

Mike Torelli is a senior marketing specialist at HAI Group. Contact Mike with thoughts, ideas, and questions at mtorelli@housingcenter.com.

Research Case Study: Seattle Housing Authority’s Digital Navigators

The internet is a standard amenity for many households, providing access to vast information and connecting people worldwide.

However, not everyone is fortunate enough to have internet access. Those without it miss out on educational and job opportunities, information for making informed healthcare decisions, and platforms for paying bills, among other essential services.

Recognizing that their residents are often disproportionately affected by a lack of digital access, the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) established the Digital Navigators program to promote inclusivity and equity

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Research Case Study: Burlington Housing Authority’s Offender Reentry Program

Incarcerated individuals nearing their release date face significant challenges as they prepare to transition back to life outside prison. Concerns about finding a job, reintegrating into society, and securing stable housing are likely at the forefront of their minds. These worries are compounded when there is a lack of available housing upon release, leaving them to seek alternative solutions.

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Claims Corner: Defending Against Wrongful Termination Claims in Housing Authorities

Every employer aims to have a dedicated, skilled staff capable of performing their assigned tasks effectively while fostering long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with the organization. Unfortunately, this ideal isn't always achieved. Employees may not meet expectations, or their work ethic and interests may change over time. In such cases, an amicable departure is preferable. However, some employees who are terminated may file wrongful termination claims.

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