HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

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Affordable Housing (4)

6 Reasons to Keep Your Housing Organization's Contact Information Current with Your Insurer

Staying connected and informed is vital for ensuring the smooth operation and protection of your organization. One key aspect that often gets overlooked is keeping your organization's contact information current with your insurer.

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Understanding Directors and Officers Insurance: A Crucial Shield for Housing Organizations

In the complex landscape of public and affordable housing, a myriad of responsibilities falls upon directors and officers. Their decisions shape the course of the organization and impact its stakeholders, making them susceptible to legal actions that can arise from their actions or decisions. Directors and officers (D&O) insurance is a critical asset to mitigate these risks and safeguard the organization and its leadership,

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Strengthening Cybersecurity Culture: How Public Housing Organizations Can Embrace Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Given that public and affordable housing organizations play a critical role in our communities—providing essential services to vulnerable populations—protecting sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of operations is not just a responsibility, but a necessity.

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Town after a hurricane

NIMS Framework: A Lifeline for Public and Affordable Housing Emergency Readiness

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a comprehensive approach to effectively manage and coordinate emergency response efforts across different agencies and organizations during incidents and disasters

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Emerging Risks in Housing: Navigating Technological Advancements, Societal Shifts, and Environmental Concerns

The landscape of public and affordable housing organizations is evolving rapidly, shaped by technological advancements, societal shifts, and environmental concerns. While these changes bring about opportunities for progress, they also usher in a host of emerging risks that demand careful consideration and proactive mitigation.

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10 Ways to Optimize Housing Operations with Strategic Record Management

Record management is crucial for the success and sustainability of public and affordable housing organizations. Properly managed records can enhance operational efficiency and play a pivotal role in mitigating risks and ensuring regulatory compliance. 

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Insurance Implications: The Pros and Cons of Direct Hiring vs. Contracted Security Services for Housing Organizations

In ensuring the safety and security of residents, a critical decision housing organizations face is whether to directly hire security personnel or opt for contracting with a third-party security service. Both options have advantages and drawbacks, but it's crucial to understand the insurance implications associated with each choice.

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Why Tenant Discrimination Insurance is a Priority for Affordable Housing Organizations

Ensuring fair and equal treatment of tenants is of utmost importance in the housing industry. Unfortunately, instances of tenant discrimination—whether intentional or unintentional—still occur, posing significant financial and reputational risks to housing organizations.

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