HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

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Amy Hourigan | Director, Marketing and Communications | HAI Group

Let’s Talk About Meth Claims

Property claims related to methamphetamine are on the rise. While they’re not the most frequently reported claim—as of this writing, that distinction belongs to fire—HAI Group has seen a noticeable uptick in meth claims in recent months. Perhaps it’s because meth is relatively inexpensive to buy compared to other illicit drugs, or because meth has become more widely available, thanks in part to super labs operated by drug cartels that can produce meth in large quantities. The rise in claims may also be due to the fact that some housing authorities have begun testing for meth when units turn over, regardless of whether they suspect contamination.

Whatever the reason, if you have a meth-related claim at your housing organization, here’s what you need to know.

The sooner you file, the better

“The biggest mistake housing organizations make after discovering meth is waiting too long to file a claim,” said Alkis Liopiros, AIC-M, ACP, CRIS, a senior property claims examiner at HAI Group. “If tests confirm that you’re dealing with methamphetamine contamination, file a claim as soon as you can. Notifying us while the incident is fresh in your mind helps your insurance company and its adjusters investigate the claim more thoroughly. It can also help us close the claim more quickly, so you can get the affected units back in service faster.”

Telltale signs of meth production or use

If your housing organization isn’t testing for meth, it’s important that your maintenance workers know what to look for during routine inspections. Common signs of meth production or use include:

  • Unexplained chemical smells, often described as “sweet”
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11 Bed Bug Myths Debunked

Bed bug infestations can be tricky to handle, but you may be doing more work than you need to. We asked Jeffrey White, an entomologist and bed bug expert—White has invested hundreds of hours treating affordable housing complexes for bed bugs, advising other pest-control professionals about these critters, and lecturing public housing organizations around the globe—to give us the latest research-backed tips for tackling bed bugs in multifamily housing. Read on to see if you can separate bed bug fact from fiction, or whether it may be time to update your pest-control procedures.

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Emerging Risks in Housing: A PFAS Primer

Whether you’re aware of PFAS and the risks they pose, or you’re hearing about these chemicals for the first time, you’ve come to the right place. We have answers to property owners’ most frequently asked questions about this emerging environmental threat.

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Is it OK to Step on a Cockroach? Our Expert Has Answers to Your Roach-Related Questions

As far as household pests go, cockroaches are pretty disgusting. They scuttle around under cover of darkness, multiply rapidly, and leave their shed skins and frass (aka poop) everywhere. Cockroaches are also a health hazard: They can cause or aggravate allergies and asthma in people who are susceptible to these conditions, and they’re a leading cause of asthma in children who live in urban multifamily housing.

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Severe mold in an apartment unit. Image courtesy of AEI Consultants.

Remediating and Preventing Mold in Multifamily Housing

Left untreated, mold can cause significant health risks for your residents—and significant liability for your organization. Don't believe us? The image at the top of this article, courtesy of AEI Consultants, is a great example of what can happen to a unit when mold is left unaddressed. To help you combat the fast-growing fungi, HAI Group turned to three experts: Tim Woodward and Sarah Feit of AEI Consultants, and Lawrence Schnapf of Schnapf Law.

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Is a Solar PV System Right for Your Affordable Housing Organization?

Thanks to numerous incentives and better technology, installing a solar photovoltaics (PV) system on your multifamily apartment building is more affordable than ever. It may also be a smart investment. Going solar can help you lower your greenhouse gas emissions, increase your property’s value, and hedge against utility rate hikes. Perhaps more important, a solar PV system can lower your electric bill, helping you better manage your operating costs, which can help keep your rents stable. 

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How to Communicate Through a Crisis

David Oates is the kind of professional you hope you never need. A former U.S. Navy public affairs officer, Dave runs Public Relations Security Service, a San Diego-based crisis communications firm. Dave spends his days helping his clients prepare for, and communicate through, all kinds of crises, including employee and executive misconduct, cybersecurity attacks, product recalls, mass layoffs, large-scale accidents, criminal investigations, civil litigation, and more. A sought-after speaker, Dave taught a semester-long public relations program at San Diego State University, published three books, and co-produced two LinkedIn Learning courses, Crisis Communication for HR, and HR Communication in Today’s Fluid Workplace. In between clients, he gave HAI Group’s Amy Hourigan a crash course on how affordable housing organizations can plan for, and ace, crisis communications.                                                     

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Silent, but Deadly: What Affordable Housing Organizations Need to Know About Radon Gas

Odds are, if you’re in the multifamily affordable housing industry, your to-do list is already frighteningly long. Even so, if you aren’t yet testing for radon, you may want to consider it. Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking—long-term exposure to the odorless, colorless gas is responsible for around 21,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—and can expose property owners to liability in certain circumstances. 

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