HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

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Claims Corner: Navigating Legal Risks in Public Housing Security

Some housing agencies employ security personnel directly or through third-party services to ensure resident safety. However, these personnel can face complex and tragic situations requiring difficult decisions, as highlighted in a recent wrongful death lawsuit in Ohio in which a police officer employed by a public housing authority (PHA) fatally shot a man, claiming self-defense.

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Championing Safety: Marilee Arsenault's Leadership Shines at North Providence Housing Authority

Since taking on the role of executive director at North Providence Housing Authority in 2021, Marilee Arsenault has prioritized safety and security within the organization. She began her journey with the agency in December 2018 as a public housing coordinator before moving to the role of executive assistant. Two years after becoming executive director, Arsenault was named HAI Group’s 2023 Risk Champion of the Year.

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Security Under Scrutiny: The Evolving Landscape of Multifamily Premises Liability

In 2015, during a visit to a Kroger grocery store in Atlanta, Georgia, a 26-year-old man was robbed and shot by two assailants, resulting in his paralysis. Four years later, a jury awarded the man nearly $70 million after his attorneys successfully argued that Kroger was aware of the store's location in an unsafe, high-crime area but failed to deploy security guards in the parking lot where the shooting occurred.

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Town after a hurricane

NIMS Framework: A Lifeline for Public and Affordable Housing Emergency Readiness

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a comprehensive approach to effectively manage and coordinate emergency response efforts across different agencies and organizations during incidents and disasters

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Emerging Risks in Housing: Navigating Technological Advancements, Societal Shifts, and Environmental Concerns

The landscape of public and affordable housing organizations is evolving rapidly, shaped by technological advancements, societal shifts, and environmental concerns. While these changes bring about opportunities for progress, they also usher in a host of emerging risks that demand careful consideration and proactive mitigation.

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Insurance Implications: The Pros and Cons of Direct Hiring vs. Contracted Security Services for Housing Organizations

In ensuring the safety and security of residents, a critical decision housing organizations face is whether to directly hire security personnel or opt for contracting with a third-party security service. Both options have advantages and drawbacks, but it's crucial to understand the insurance implications associated with each choice.

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