HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

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HUD News

Recent VAWA Settlements Put Affordable Housing Providers on Notice: Comply or Face Consequences

Recent settlements in Nevada, Tennessee, Michigan, and California highlight the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) strengthened enforcement authority under the latest iteration of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The settlement sput housing providers on notice to understand and comply with the law or face serious consequences.

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Want to Build New Deeply Affordable Housing? Check Out the Faircloth-to-RAD Program

HAI Group is a leading sponsor of the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC), a nonprofit that researches the impact that affordable homes bring to families and communities. In this guest blog, Kelly McElwain, PAHRC’s industry intelligence and research manager, explains how a recent federal program can be leveraged to address housing needs.

Despite an estimated shortage of 7.3 million rental homes affordable and available to extremely low-income families, public housing authorities (PHAs) nationwide have not received congressional funding to build new deeply affordable housing in their communities in decades. PHAs’ hands became even more tied after Congress passed the Faircloth Amendment, which capped PHA public housing stock at the number of public housing units they operated as of October 1, 1999 (known as their ‘Faircloth Authority’). This created a de facto ban on building new public housing.

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