Housing Research: 2020 Picture of Preservation

  • January 1, 2023

Preserving affordable housing is a critical component of addressing the nation’s housing crisis. This report, co-authored by the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation and the National Low Income Housing Coalition, provides an in-depth analysis of the affordable housing landscape using data from the National Housing Preservation Database (NHPD). It examines the scope of federally assisted housing, the risks to its long-term availability, and the importance of preservation strategies in ensuring low-income families continue to have access to affordable homes. The report highlights trends, challenges, and opportunities, offering valuable insights to policymakers, housing providers, and advocates working to protect and expand affordable housing stock.

What you’ll learn

Here’s what you can expect to gain:

  • A detailed overview of the scope and characteristics of federally assisted affordable housing.
  • Insights into risks threatening the preservation of affordable housing, such as expiring subsidies.
  • Strategies and policy recommendations for protecting and maintaining the nation’s affordable housing stock.

Why this matters

With millions of low-income families relying on federally assisted housing, preserving affordable homes is essential to preventing displacement, fostering stability, and reducing housing insecurity. This report provides critical data and actionable recommendations to help stakeholders address the challenges of maintaining affordable housing. By focusing on preservation, we can ensure that current and future generations can access safe and affordable homes.

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This article is for general information only. HAI Group makes no representation or warranty about the accuracy or applicability of this information for any particular use or circumstance. Your use of this information is at your own discretion and risk. HAI Group and any author or contributor identified herein assume no responsibility for your use of this information. You should consult with your attorney or subject matter advisor before adopting any risk management strategy or policy.

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