Research Case Study: Everett Housing Authority’s Hiring Practices

  • November 13, 2024

By definition, a mission statement is a formal summary of a company, organization, or individual’s aims and values. 

Organizations can enhance their mission statement by developing a multiyear strategic plan, as demonstrated by the Everett Housing Authority (EHA) in Washington. This initiative aims to foster a workplace culture where employees take pride in their contributions and to ensure that discrimination does not influence outcomes for residents or staff.  

EHA’s hiring practices are featured in “PHA Pathways to Advancing Equity,” a report released by the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC), a member of HAI Group’s family of companies.


In 2019, EHA revised its mission statement to read: “The EHA creates affordable housing, fosters healthy communities where households thrive, and replaces systemic racism with equity for all.”

Officially adopted in September 2020, this revised mission statement challenged EHA to meet strategic goals and foster a culture of accountability, ensuring that discrimination does not impact resident or staff outcomes.


To advance its mission, EHA developed a 10-year strategic plan outlining specific objectives: to build 1,500 new EHA-owned or supported homes, create diverse and healthy communities where residents thrive, cultivate a culture in which employees take pride in their roles, and ensure that factors such as race, sexual orientation, and physical or social characteristics do not influence resident or staff outcomes. This comprehensive plan reflects EHA’s commitment to equity and inclusion in all aspects of its operations.


The strategic plan includes goals to expand diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in pursuit of each objective. These goals encompass:

  • Developing housing areas of opportunity.
  • Investing in communities with depreciating affordable housing.
  • Creating opportunities for residents through service partnerships.
  • Providing housing search assistance for families.
  • Expanding affordable housing options for underserved communities, including unhoused families with children.

Internally, EHA focuses on building a culture of DEI through training, staff collaboration, inclusive human resource policies, and partnerships with local cultural affinity groups.

To spearhead these initiatives, EHA hired a diversity, equity, and inclusion director to operationalize equity in its hiring practices. Between 2019 and 2021, the director facilitated antiracism training for staff and streamlined onboarding processes. Since then, external consultants have continued to provide training and coaching on topics such as the relationship between systemic racism and affordable housing and the historical context of discriminatory programs.

Additionally, EHA established a diverse hiring panel, integrated DEI-related questions into the interviewing process, and actively reaches out to diverse communities during recruitment efforts to attract and retain staff who are aligned with the organization’s mission.


As a result of these inclusive hiring practices, many EHA staff members speak multiple languages and represent various racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds. This diversity enables staff to connect more effectively with residents, provide culturally appropriate outreach, and develop policies and programs tailored to the unique needs of residents from diverse backgrounds, ultimately positioning them for success.


EHA’s commitment to advancing equity through intentional hiring practices underscores the transformative impact that strategic planning can have on an organization and the communities it serves. By fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, EHA is better equipped to fulfill its mission of creating thriving, equitable communities, ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

For further insights and similar case studies, refer to the full report using the button below.

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