From Mitigation to Maintenance: Top Online Training Courses for Housing Professionals

  • August 7, 2024

As a housing professional, you juggle various responsibilities, including customer service, mitigation, mediation, transportation, and maintenance. Mastering these skills and ensuring resident safety and satisfaction doesn't happen overnight—it requires dedicated training.

HAI Group Online Training offers over 100 courses and essential certifications, accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on most devices—a convenience that allows housing professionals like you to develop critical skills flexibly and efficiently.

Here are some courses the HAI Group Online Training team curated to help housing employees enhance their skills and better serve their residents. These popular courses are available for free to HAI Group policyholders.

Customer Service Basics

For those who are unfamiliar, customer service is truly an art. HubSpot Research shows that 93% of customers are likelier to repeat purchases from companies with excellent customer service. In a time when nearly 40% of people in 2022 reported having less patience than before the COVID-19 pandemic, exceptional customer service can make a significant difference.

This course, led by industry leader Nan McKay & Associates, provides critical information for housing agencies to ensure exceptional customer service for their clients. Designed for executive managers, managers, and employees of housing agencies, this program offers numerous benefits. Through this course, you will:

  • Begin mastery of the art of customer service.
  • Use self-assessment tools and inventories to evaluate your current customer service and communication skill levels.
  • Identify the relevant points of contact within your agency.
  • Develop a comprehensive customer service policy.

Auto Safety: Safe Driving is No Accident


According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, motor vehicle accidents in 2022 caused 42,514 fatalities. Additionally, there were 5.93 million police-reported crashes, resulting in 2.38 million injuries. While vehicular transportation is necessary for everyday life, auto safety is critical.

This course, led by HAI Group’s Risk Control and Consulting team, will help you understand the major causes of accidents, associated risks and costs, and the principles of auto safety, including auto safety controls, driver screenings, safe driving practices, vehicle inspections, preventative maintenance, and accident reporting. This course is vital for risk managers, fleet managers, and any employees who drive a vehicle for a housing agency.

In addition, this course will teach you:

  • The five keys to safe driving.
  • Backing safety.
  • Important facts and safety tips about driving a 15-passenger van.
  • How to implement accident reporting procedures, investigations, and forms.

Solving Difficult Resident Situations

LendingTree reports that 75% of Americans dislike a neighbor, with the majority of complaints coming from the Gen Z population, apartment users, and residents in the Northeast. Many cited noise, rudeness, and vibes as reasons for their disdain.

Conflict between residents is inevitable due to the proximity of residences in public and affordable housing authorities. However, with the right tools, you can mitigate issues and find common ground between the parties involved.

This 14-minute short by The Human Resource Consortium provides a step-by-step guide to dealing with complaints and different personalities, along with countless tips, including the importance of listening and reflecting.

Through this course, you will:

  • Recognize difficult resident situations.
  • Understand the best approaches to dealing with such situations.
  • Create and develop a plan to address the issues.
  • Practice through role-playing exercises.

Dealing with Difficult Coworkers


Residents aren’t the only individuals you have to deal with; sometimes, you may find yourself incompatible with a coworker or employee.

You're not alone in experiencing workplace challenges. In Mental Health America’s 2023 Mind the Workplace survey, three in five workers continue to experience microaggressions at work based on race, and two in five based on their gender.

This course, led by K Squared Enterprises, provides interpersonal and self-management skills to help you navigate interactions with difficult coworkers. You will also learn the unhooking method, which frees you from negative internal reactions to someone else’s poor behavior.

Through this course, you will:

  • Identify behaviors that may be unacceptable at work.
  • Understand the impact of an employee or coworker’s behavior triggering a negative internal response.
  • Recall the four steps to unhooking and understand when to use each method.

Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention

Wet floor signs, stair markings, and proper ladder use are just a few preventative measures taken to prevent slips, trips, and falls. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, slips, trips, and falls accounted for 18% of approximately 1.1 million nonfatal injuries resulting in days away from work in 2020.

In this short course, led by HAI Group’s Risk Control and Consulting team, you will examine slips, trips, and falls, including their causes and relevant facts.

Through this course, you will:

  • Understand the causes and reasons behind these incidents.
  • Examine contributing factors of slips, trips, and falls.
  • Identify prevention methods and safety tips.


Already an HAI Group policyholder? Contact our Online Training team to get started.

Ready to become a subscriber? See more about the benefits and get started.


This article is for general information only. HAI Group makes no representation or warranty about the accuracy or applicability of this information for any particular use or circumstance. Your use of this information is at your own discretion and risk. HAI Group and any author or contributor identified herein assume no responsibility for your use of this information. You should consult with your attorney or subject matter advisor before adopting any risk management strategy or policy.

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