Research Case Study: Fresno Housing’s DEI Strategic Framework

When it comes to dismantling generations of inequity, change does not happen overnight.

Making positive change is an ever-evolving multiyear process as conversations continue to unfold. Recognizing housing insecurity and inequity within its community, Fresno Housing (CA) is tackling these issues head-on with its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Framework.

Fresno Housing’s DEI Strategic Framework is featured in “PHA Pathways for Advancing Equity,” a report released by the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC), a member of HAI Group’s family of companies.


Housing insecurity disproportionately affects people of color, older adults, and low-income families in Fresno County, according to Fresno Housing. National trends are reflected locally, with communities of color—particularly Black Americans—experiencing intentional disenfranchisement and unfair targeting.


The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Framework, adopted in 2022 as part of Fresno Housing’s broader mission, includes programs designed to promote diversity within its communities and among outside vendors while advancing equity for residents. This framework aligns with Fresno Housing’s commitment to creating inclusive and equitable environments for all.


Fresno Housing’s efforts began in 2019 when it started collecting feedback from residents, staff, and community leaders through town halls and focus groups. It also analyzed operational demographic data and hired a consulting firm to formulate best practices. Since its impetus, Fresno Housing has hit several landmark goals, including:

  • Hiring a chief diversity officer.
  • Appointing its first woman of color as board chair and interim CEO.
  • Creating a DEI vision and mission statement.
  • Launching a DEI training curriculum for their board and staff.
  • Forming a DEI agency working group.
  • Analyzing its hiring and recruitment process.
  • Updating its policy review process with an equity lens.

Fresno’s DEI Strategic Framework demonstrates the connection between DEI and housing insecurity, outlining actions the agency will take to address past harm and uplift marginalized communities. The framework sets clear goals to expand DEI by enhancing the influence of diverse voices across the community and fostering inclusive excellence through improved communication, accountability, data-driven initiatives, and awareness-building efforts.

Our mission is to influence the power of diversity through an increase in representation throughout multiple dimensions of diversity across the organization, specifically at the leadership level, and to highlight the importance of Fresno Housing’s culture of inclusion and belonging per the Agency’s behavioral standards and practices. As a public-facing organization, we will use our knowledge, skills, awareness, and an appreciation of diversity, equity, and inclusion to increase the Agency’s impact on creating and supporting vibrant communities throughout Fresno County. Fresno Housing DEI Mission Statement

In pursuit of these goals, the framework outlines strategies Fresno Housing plans to implement for:

  • Recruitment
  • Staffing
  • Employee development
  • Retention
  • Resident engagement
  • Research
  • Building economic opportunities
  • Communications
  • Education
  • Accountability
Supplier Diversity Program

One key strategy in the DEI Strategic Framework was the development of a supplier diversity program. To achieve this, Fresno Housing reviewed its procurement process to ensure bids remained competitive while encouraging a diverse range of vendors to participate. The agency built collaborative partnerships with the Black Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Administration to enhance outreach, education, and support for diverse vendors in the community.

This strategy helps Fresno Housing staff solicit competitive bids from diverse, qualified firms. To ensure fairness in the procurement process, Fresno Housing:

  • Breaks down large projects into smaller tasks, where feasible, to encourage participation.
  • Includes clauses that require contractors to provide training and employment opportunities for local residents, when possible.
  • Adjusts delivery schedules to better accommodate diverse contractors.

Additionally, Fresno Housing participated in an outreach event alongside other large government contractors in the Central Valley. At the event, the agency provided information about their vendor portal and strengthened relationships with potential vendors.


The events Fresno Housing participated in helped demystify the application process and identify Section 3 businesses. Since the implementation of the DEI Strategic Framework, Fresno staff have reported an increase in diverse vendors applying for bids.


Fresno Housing’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion represents a transformative effort to address long-standing inequities within its community. Through its DEI Strategic Framework, the agency has made significant progress in promoting diversity in leadership, increasing vendor diversity, and fostering an inclusive culture that aligns with the values of the broader Fresno community.

For further insights and similar case studies, refer to "PHA Pathways for Advancing Equity," a report by the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC), a member of the HAI Group family of companies.

View the Report

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